September 3, 2008: 29 days old

Silas went with me to Hillel Academy to visit with all of the folks there that I worked with and taught last year. I thought I didn't have the camera... I was wrong. Sadly, no pictures.

Since he is a baby with a belly button, Silas also had his first full bath today. Once I get more practice at this stuff I should be able to take pictures while I do stuff by myself, but right now I still feel like I need 3 more hands just to do one thing. So, no pictures... sorry.

Eric spent a little time helping Silas build up his leg strength after dinner. Our son is strong and patient.

1 comment:

heltones said...

Balance notwithstanding, he could support his own weight with his legs for a few seconds at a time. He seemed to like it. Yes, he's patient with me. He's working up toward his first bike! :)