January 25, 2009: 5 months 20 days old

Silas got to not only taste, but to actually eat solid food today! He seemed to really enjoy grabbing the spoon and helping us get it into his mouth.
Silas's first solid food - January 25, 2009

Here's a shot of Eric feeding him.
Silas's first solid food - January 25, 2009

1 comment:

Steph said...

Yay Silas! Congrats on the milestone!

And you can give him an empty spoon or two to hold an chew on while you feed him with another spoon. With Max this usually ends up being musical spoons. He has 2 spoons in his hands and then he drops one to grab the food spoon. I pick up the empty spoon to reload it with food, etc,etc,etc. But it seems to work better than having him attack the only spoon and then cry when I have to take it to put more food on it.