Snow Day Family Breakfast

Snow day breakfast at Grasso Roberto

An event that typically only happens on weekends and during summer break, we got to eat out together for a breakfast during the workweek. It was sort of cold and there was some snow, but not really enough (imho) to warrant a snow day for Pittsburgh Public Schools. However, we're not going to complain. It was nice to have Bethany with us on this outing. We went to a local Italian cafe, Grasso Roberto. I think it has new owners since we were going there a lot when we first moved into Bloomfield for their brunches. It was a respectable breakfast, enough to go back, but not the best we've ever had. The woman working there was kind and patient with the energetic baby dumping coffee and throwing pancakes. :) To some extent, she's paying the price for the shop not having any high chairs... hehe. At least we tip well.

Snow day breakfast at Grasso Roberto

Snow day breakfast at Grasso Roberto

See, the weather wasn't so bad:
Grasso Roberto on a snow day

It's not really "Silas" related, but it was interesting to see the pigeons huddled together to stay warm on one of our neighbor's roofs.

Pigeons huddled against the cold on the neighbor's roof

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