In pre-Silas life, we used to try to get out in the canoe for a bit of a New Year's Day paddle every year. However, small children and (now) pregnant women don't really mix well with wintertime water temperatures in Pennsylvania. We've reverted back to the New Year's Day hiking tradition. That's quite all right with us. Getting outside and having time some nonmotorized time to reflect and appreciate life and nature is what's important. Becky, Tim, and Calliope were up for wandering in the woods with us in mid-20's Fahrenheit temperatures.
Silas enjoyed it until the very end, when he'd had enough of the cold and having his arms stuck out at 75 degree angles to his body. The photo is pre-hike and used for arm angle illustrative purposes only, not to show his end-of-hike discomfort.
Guthrie had a blast. As far as he was concerned, it was the best day ever. That's the most beautiful thing about dogs.
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