Well, Bethany and I have been slack in updating this blog since she went back to work in August/September. I sort of suspected I should take a greater role in writing on his blog when I quit my job at the end of September to watch Silas full-time, but I didn't quite get there until now. I'm going to post as I see fit, and Bethany will do interstitial posts when she feels moved and has the time to put bits into the computer. The next few posts will be a quick catch up of what Silas and I do all day...
Thanks for sticking with us.
PS. You'll note there is an extra person in the thermal image above. We took it at the Carnegie Science Center, and it was too challenging to wrestle a timed-out kid in a stroller, the streams of people wanting to see the exhibit (or just walking through), and the digital camera trying to think too hard about how to take the picture...
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