Big day for Silas today. His first significant fall from a chair... he landed on his face and bloodied his nose. It was scary for him and me both. Then it was off to the pediatrician's office for more shots. His current weight: 13 pounds, 11 ounces. That's over 1 pound of weight gain in a month, which makes me happy. I was worried ('cause I love to worry) that I wasn't feeding him enough. Glad I was wrong :) Here he is recovering from his painful day.
Yeah, he's also doing much better from the vaccine shots than he did during the last round. My little baby is getting to be so tough. Though he did scream for about 10 minutes straight after the fall.
He looks much less traumatized than I do when I fall out of chairs. Glad he's doing ok!
Yeah, he's also doing much better from the vaccine shots than he did during the last round. My little baby is getting to be so tough. Though he did scream for about 10 minutes straight after the fall.
Glad you are feeling better Silas. And you have passed up Laz on weight. Laz went to the doctor on Tuesday and his weight is 13lbs 8oz - way to go.
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