Silas spent a total of 3 weeks in day care, he ended up being sick for all of it except the first two days. He also managed to get both of us sick. I'm looking forward to the whole household getting better.
Silas's second molar also popped up last week. It's the furthest forward molar on the bottom left. So he has a pair on the left side now to really help him chew. His third molar is also coming in. I just noticed it today. It's on the top right.
Silas has stopped doing the 'franken-baby' walk and has moved on to the 'drunken baby' walk. He looked so grown up in his overalls and real shoes, walking the streets of Dormont. Thanks Grandma Bobbye and Grandpa Bob for the clothes and shoes! Below that picture is a cute pic of Silas with his papa. Next is a picture I took at Becky and Tim's house two days before Becky went into labor.... Then, a shot of Karen and Silas at Roving Brunch. I was pretty lame and didn't get any group shots of roving brunch this month. Becky and Tim were at the hospital laboring (they had a baby girl on 9/21 named Calliope... Congratulations to them!!!). So, I was kinda distracted. Plus, Silas and I were both feeling pretty sick. But, the food was fabulous and Maya took some pictures of the feast she and Ryder cooked up. Finally, the last pic is another cute one of Eric and Silas playing with Eric's thumb ring. Silas likes to take the ring off and put it back on Eric's thumb.