October 30, 2008: 12 weeks 2 days old

It's a bird... it's a plane... it's suuper babyyyyy! Really, next time I'll add a cape.

Super Baby!

October 29, 2008: 12 weeks 1 day old

Silas and I attend a Mommy and Baby yoga class every Wednesday morning at Yoga Matrika. We both really enjoy it. Sharon (the owner and instructor) is the one that took this picture at the end of class.

Mommy and baby yoga

October 28, 2008: 12 weeks old

Ok, so I've changed how I put pictures into the blog. Now, I'm putting them on our flickr site and embedding them here. So, no more text on the side of the photo, but much larger photos are now available and I don't have to worry about running out of blogger storage space.

Here's Silas after his bath. We keep the house pretty cool in the winter and so I covered him in a blanket while I dried him off and put lotion on him. He seemed to enjoy it.

Silas 12 weeks old

October 27, 2008: 11 weeks 6 days old

Silas's first video on his blog. He's not super vocal, but it's still cute.

Silas and I met Becky and Tim at Mellon Arena to hear Barack Obama speak. We were 2 rows from the top and it was crazy loud. Silas didn't seem to like all the clapping and screaming. These pictures are about 5 minutes before Obama took the stage.

Obama Rally with Becky and Tim

Silas at the Obama Rally

October 25, 2008: 11 weeks 4 days old

The rocking chair came with massive quantities of bubble wrap that Ryder is going to use to make his front porch adequately spooky for halloween. Here he is getting ready to take the bubble wrap home.

Silas thought it might also make a nice bed.

Silas and I attended Rebecca and Zac's housewarming party. Eric was still in Phoenix, so it was just the two of us. Their house is in the Mexican War Streets and they did a phenomenal job fixing it up. Leah is holding Silas and Zac is standing by...

October 24, 2008: 11 weeks 3 days old

Silas and I met up with Ben, Maya, Matt and Ryder for dinner at Mexico City restaurant. I had a chimichanga (sp?) which was quite good. Then we all headed over to the Pecha Kucha event that the AIA sponsored.

The event was a lot of fun. Becky and Ryder were just two of the 16 presenters at the event. Silas got to spend some quality time with lots of fun folks. Here he is hanging out afterward with Matt and Kate.

October 23, 2008: 11 weeks 2 days old

Happy Silas. Though I love the butterfly carrier, one drawback is that it chafes his sensitive skin. You can see it on his right cheek and chin. Any suggestions on some soft fabric I can use to protect his face during walks would be greatly appreciated.

October 22, 2008: 11 weeks 1 day old

Maya and Ryder came over for dinner and a little quality time with Silas. It's nice to have company while Eric is away, we get to see our friends and it makes the time go by faster until he gets home.

Here's Ryder trying to help Silas relax while Maya and I finished eating.

October 21, 2008: 11 weeks old

Pretty amazing that Silas is 11 weeks old today. Time flies when your having fun. Seriously.

Anyway, Eric is out of town on business and Tim offered to babysit so Becky and I could go to yoga. This is the first time Silas has ever had a babysitter. Judging from this photo, he seemed to enjoy it.

Here is Tim relaxing with Silas after we got back from yoga. Silas's first experience away from his parents was a success.

Here is Becky hanging out with him for a little bit before Silas and I went home. Overall, it was a very nice evening.

October 20, 2008: 10 weeks 6 days old

We met Eric for lunch in the Strip. Silas was totally asleep on Eric's shoulder for the last half of the meal. It was sweet.

October 19, 2008: 10 weeks 5 days old

Not the best picture of Silas, but he is starting to be able to see further away. This is the first time I've ever seen him really focus on the owls in the mobile above his swing. They are about 2 feet away from him.

Another close-up shot. I love just staring at him while he makes faces... so I will continue to share pictures of just his face. Hope that's ok :)

October 18, 2008: 10 weeks 4 days old

Maya, Becky, Silas and I went on the Lawrenceville Artists Tour today. Here are Becky and Silas hanging out at the coffee house 'Your Inner Vagabond.' Cheesy name, cool place.

Eric took a break from installing our bedroom floor to try and soothe Silas's crying. He's not always the super happy baby. Here he was being super tired and unhappy that he wasn't asleep.

October 17, 2008: 10 weeks 3 days old

Dinner with friends at the China Palace in Shadyside.

Silas was especially interested in the dish that Ryder ordered. I believe it is called 'Nesting Friends.'

October 16, 2008: 10 weeks 2 days old

Silas and I went to visit Sasha this afternoon. We all enjoyed the visit.

October 15, 2008: 10 weeks 1 day old

Silas and I met up with Ruby and Susie today. We went out to lunch at Lulu's noodles on Craig Street and then headed over to the Carnegie Museum of Art to check out their Life on Mars exhibit. Silas and Ruby slept through the whole museum adventure.

October 14, 2008: 10 weeks old

I just went through all of the photos that Eric took from our camping trip. There are so many great photos! Eric has promised to post a lot of them on our flickr site. They will hopefully be posted by Thursday morning. Check them out here. Also, don't forget to check Eric's blog for details about the camping and canoeing trip.

Silas getting ready for bed. Warm and fuzzy :)

October 13, 2008: 9 weeks 6 days old

Eric and Silas (his name means 'man of the forest') hanging out at our campsite.

Eric made sure that Silas has all of the proper equipment for his first canoe trip. We went out for a paddle of Raystown Lake.

Here is a family shot taken just before we drove home.

October 12, 2008: 9 weeks 5 days old

We went camping today. Here is one of the pictures that Eric took. This is hanging out at the campsite.

October 11, 2008: 9 weeks 4 days old

Silas, Eric and I went to the Strip. Eric talks about it in his blog here. This is waiting for our food at Chicken Latino.

Silas couldn't wait.

Someday Silas will take a bath in the big tub. For now, this is the closest he can get.

October 10, 2008: 9 weeks 3 days old

Silas and I went to the Midwife Center today where he got to meet Kara - one of the nurses that was helping during labor. She was really happy to meet him.

October 9, 2008: 9 weeks 2 days old

Silas loves sleeping with his dad... and making him late for work :)

October 8, 2008: 9 weeks 1 day old

Tummy time...

Guthrie and Silas hangin' out on the floor together.

October 7, 2008: 9 weeks old

Another happy day for Silas.

This his the face he makes when he says 'oooh' with a soft o. He's getting a little bit more verbal every day.

October 6, 2008: 8 weeks 6 days old

Silas in the Pediatrician's office waiting room. He had his 2 month checkup today along with his first round of vaccinations. The stats: Weight 10 pounds 12.8 ounces. Height 22.5 inches. Head circumference 37.25 cm. Dr. Carl doesn't tell us the percentile, but from the chart he is about in the 35% for weight.

October 5, 2008: 2 months old

Silas getting ready for his bath.

Me and Silas after his bath. He looks like an angel, or at least, he looks like he has a glowing hat on :)

October 4, 2008: 8 weeks 4 days old

Silas and Eric hanging out.

October 3, 2008: 8 weeks 3 days old

Silas experienced a little culture attending the Gallery Crawl in downtown Pittsburgh. Here he is visiting with his friend Ann at the AIA space.

Daddy's home! After 5 days away, Eric came home and met up with us in the AIA space. He and Silas then perused some of the AIA design award entries together.

October 2, 2008:8 weeks 2 days old

Silas makes such cute faces throughout the day, but they are easiest to catch in the morning, just after he's woken up and been fed.

He's starting to say things that sound like 'aah' and, in this picture... 'oooh.'

Maya and Ryder invited Silas and I over for dinner and a wine and cheese debate party afterward. Silas got all dressed up for the event!

Finally, the elusive Maya posing for a picture with Silas.